Designing the biped
Character Proportions
Image planes
Modeling a Biped
Roughing out the Biped
modeling a humanoid model
Making Eyes 2 Ways Plus controls
Joining Objects
Quad Draw (for face details)
Shape Editor/Blend Shapes
Texturing a Biped
Rigging and Skinning
Rigging Tutorials
Animation Tutorial
Rendering the Animation
Pipeline for the biped
Design character on paper
Create Image Planes and Load into Front and Side Cameras
Rough Out the Model
Refine biped (making sure biped is facing towards +Z and is centered on the Y axis, with feet resting on the X Axis (the entire character should be in the +y quadrants)
Delete History and Freeze Transformations
UV unwrapping as needed
Duplicate the Character
Smooth Duplicate character to make high-poly version
Substance Painter For Materials for at least one surface (with texture caching of low and high poly versions)
aiStandard Surface for others
Blend Shapes w/Shape Editor
Rig using one of these methods:
Quick Rig
Quick Rig plus some extra skeleton systems for hands, tail, ears, etc
HumanIK (more customizable) but you need to bind the skin separately
(Rokoko Studio)
Custom Rig following a tutorial (Lorie has some to suggest)
Skinning as needed
Render Image Sequence
Use iMovie, Premiere, Quicktime, Photoshop or other editing software to convert to a movie file - add sound and titles as you’d like.